Monday, May 31, 2010

New Projects

"Wot you meen tu big? Bigga iz alwayz betta, stoopid 'umie!"

See if you can spot the Warboss on bike in this pic:
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Da Whol' Crew

'Ere Dey Are:
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Da Mik's 'Ard Boyz unit is complete (for now). I'll get a group shot up later. And no, I am NOT above cheap and stupid cultural references. :)

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Friday, May 28, 2010

One more to go...

I've been cheating; I've already modelled my first Tankbusta...but he can wait. Here's the penultimate 'Ard Boy.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost is over

I am a latecomer to Lost. I caught up with the series through the Blu-ray releases late last year in preparation for the final season. The series finale has just finished, and I'm sure there will be people that absolutely hated it. There is no other way to say it: these people are wrong. Lost is a masterpiece of television, and the finale was very satisfying, if a bit predictable. I look forward to watching the entire series again when the complete Blu-ray set is released in a few months.

Monday, May 17, 2010

One more down...Four to go

Sometimes I'm struck with inspiration when it comes to naming a newly completed Ork, and sometimes I revert to naming them after German tanks...
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

'Ard Trukk ready fer krumpin'

Put the finishing touches on the painting for my 'Ard Boyz Trukk tonight. Here's the base Trukk without any additional options (no, I don't consider Red Paint Job an "option"):

And here's the Trukk fully loaded with all options:

And a shot of the various modular pieces by themselves:

Now to finish painting da boyz to go in it!
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Black Library Review: Cadian Blood

This Aaron Dembski-Bowden guy writes good shit.  Soul Hunter was awesome.  Cadian Blood is more of the same.  This time it's the Imperial Guard's poster boys, the Cadians taking on a Nurgle plague-ridden planet. 

ADB's strength is in writing characters that have just enough machismo and wit to make them badass without overstepping the line into absurdity.  And let's face it, if you are reading 40K fiction, you need badass characters.  But the author also has a knack for battle scenes, especially of the space ship combat variety.  In what could easily become a confusing mess, ADB lays out the scene in chapter nine in such a way that the reader is never lost while at the same time is riveted by the events unfolding.

For the Guard fan out there, rest assured that the Cadians are given their due.  Driven, loyal, and with plenty of the aforementioned "badass."  But for those modern Death Guard fans, there is much to love about Cadian Blood as well.  Grandfather Nurgle's most-blessed of servants Typhus shows up, and I can safely say that he and the rest of the Death Guard have never been described in better (if you like Nurgle-y stuff) detail.

Count me as a Dembski-Bowden fan.  I would purchase Helsreach immediately if I didn't have so many other books on pile at the moment.  I think I'll make a trip back to the Horus Heresy series next, with Descent of Angels.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Black Library Review: Soul Hunter

I like the Night Lords.  For a bunch of murderous evil traitor marines, they aren't so bad.  While Soul Hunter isn't a direct sequel to the excellent Lord of the Night, it does contain quite a few references to the earlier book and definitely continues on in the same spirit.  The Night Lords are a dying force.  Their numbers are dwindling rapidly, the marines that remain are becoming increasingly enslaved to Chaos, they must salvage armor from fallen foes (and brothers) and yet somehow they soldier on.  Their hatred for the Emperor and his betrayal fuel them to continue their war of vengeance.

Soul Hunter focuses on what remains of the legion's 10th Company.  The titular Soul Hunter is the defacto leader of the first squad (or claw) named Talos.  Like all of the Night Lords, Talos is not a nice guy.  But he is a loyal soldier who despises what has become of his legion almost as much as he hates the Imperium and what it stands for.  Talos is "blessed" with visions of the future and none of them are good.  The remnants of the legion join with Abaddon and his Black Legion in the early days of another crusade while Talos and his brothers fight for survival.

Author Aaron Dembski-Bowden is the real deal.  I'm starting on Cadian Blood next, and I anxiously await the next Night Lords novel from this guy.

'Ard Trukk Built!

Finally got my Trukk built tonight (great, one more thing I can drag my feet painting :)).

Here's the base Trukk:

And here it is with all the options (Armour Plates, Grot Rigger, Boarding Plank(s), Wrecking Ball, Stikkbomb Chucka, Reinforced Ram):

And here's the cheapo swap-out that turns a Big Shoota into a Rokkit Launcha:
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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Test Game 2

Had our second test with our lists.  I tried the Mech List vs the Orks.  It wasnt pretty.
Meske had some pretty terrible dice rolls. Was putting hits on my vehicles but AV 13 is a beast for an army with out melta.  Star was the librarian dreadnaought...and the big mech LOL.