This Aaron Dembski-Bowden guy writes good shit. Soul Hunter was awesome. Cadian Blood is more of the same. This time it's the Imperial Guard's poster boys, the Cadians taking on a Nurgle plague-ridden planet.
ADB's strength is in writing characters that have just enough machismo and wit to make them badass without overstepping the line into absurdity. And let's face it, if you are reading 40K fiction, you need badass characters. But the author also has a knack for battle scenes, especially of the space ship combat variety. In what could easily become a confusing mess, ADB lays out the scene in chapter nine in such a way that the reader is never lost while at the same time is riveted by the events unfolding.
For the Guard fan out there, rest assured that the Cadians are given their due. Driven, loyal, and with plenty of the aforementioned "badass." But for those modern Death Guard fans, there is much to love about Cadian Blood as well. Grandfather Nurgle's most-blessed of servants Typhus shows up, and I can safely say that he and the rest of the Death Guard have never been described in better (if you like Nurgle-y stuff) detail.
Count me as a Dembski-Bowden fan. I would purchase Helsreach immediately if I didn't have so many other books on pile at the moment. I think I'll make a trip back to the Horus Heresy series next, with Descent of Angels.