I've been burned out by 40K and my beloved Orks lately (and life in general). So I took a break. Then that itch started to develop. You know that itch. The one that's in the back of your mind that makes you want to DO things, like spend ungodly amounts of money on overpriced plastic representations of little men in power armor. All of the cool shit that's coming from ForgeWorld lately has finally inspired me enough to put together a SPESH MEREEN!
But not any kind of Space Marine, no. A Flesh Tearer. Observe:
"But Catalog," you say. "In the Blood Angels Codex jump packs are overpriced compared to the break you get if you choose a dedicated transport."
"I've got it covered, hypothetical you," I reply. "Behold!"
"But how?" Hypothetical you looks stunned.
"I am the master of magnetism!"
I realize that's a long way to go for very little humor, but what did you expect?