Thursday, June 10, 2010

Well phase 2 is on its way. LED TESTING.
Lets get to the nitty gritty shall we.
Step one, rip apart model thats been painted over more times then a hooker has seen truckers on a friday night.
Step two get small 3v battery for 5mm LED's Dont have to worry about voltage as the 3v wont burn out the no resister needed. Step three DRILL OUT HOLE in view port and smooth out the best you can. Attack batter to battery holder (radio shack) and then start to solder. I hate Soldering...takes to long, I burn myself, and ended up burning some of the model...but I did make the needed connections.
Step 4 Green stuff down the positive and negative wire when you have your led where you want it.
Turn on LED to test it

Step 6 Now I added some liquid water effect material for the view port and smoothed it out. It helps if you have ever hungup sheetrock and had to mud and smooth out the drill holes. :P

Moving on to the next phase...LANDING LIGHTS!!
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