Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Zhadsnark 'Da Rippa': BUILT

What a tough nut to crack this was. First off, Forge World gives you zero instructions. You get a parts sheet and a couple of shots of the completed model. I have a pair of pieces left over because by the time I realized where they were supposed to go, it was too late to go back. That's okay; you wouldn't know it by looking at it. I spent roughly four hours just cleaning the flash/mould lines/etc before I started building. I had to seriously Greenstuff his right arm to get it to line up with the handlebar. I'm pooped. :/

On the whole, resin is still easier to work with than metal, but not by much. After looking at the pics, I can see that I should go back and adjust the foot pedals, but I may not press my luck...

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